ISO 17100:2015 Qualified Status

Written by josecarlos

José Carlos holds ISO 17100:2015 qualified status meaning that the qualification and experience requirements of ISO 17100:2015 are being met.

What is ISO 17100:2015?

It is the internationally recognized standard for translation services providing requirements for the core processes, resources, and other aspects necessary for the delivery of a quality translation service that meets applicable specifications.

It takes into consideration project management processes and workflows, translation and revision process, client-TSP communication, handling of materials, competence and qualifications of professionals involved and Continuing Professional Development.

TSPs and agencies certified under this standard have been externally assessed by a registered body and are subject to regular audits.

The status of "Certified" is not generally used for individual translators, as they usually prove their compliance through the status of "Qualified".


Benefits of holding ISO 17100:2015 qualified status according to Bluebird Translations and the ITI:

  • Proof that the translator works to a recognized standard and is committed to maintaining those industry standards
  • No need to spend time checking qualifications and CPD records of translators to ensure they meet the standard (easy participation in tenders applied by LSPs)
  • Greater confidence for prospective clients
  • Evidence that the translator is professional and forward-thinking

Profile of an ISO 17100:2015 qualified translator:

  • Translation competence: translating texts in accordance with the client-TSP agreement.
  • Linguistic and textual competence both in the source and target languages: understanding the source, fluency in the target language, and general or specialized knowledge of text-type conventions.
  • Competence in research, information acquisition, and processing: acquisition of additional knowledge necessary to understand the text and experience in the use of research tools and information sources.
  • Cultural competence: making use of information on the behavioral standards, up-to-date terminology, value systems, etc. characterizing both source and target cultures.
  • Technical competence: the knowledge, abilities, and skills required to perform the technical tasks in the translation process by employing technical resources.
  • Domain competence: understanding content produced in the source language and reproducing it in the target language using appropriate style and terminology.
  • Sound translation process in place, characterized by: terminological consistency, semantic accuracy, appropriate grammar, spelling and punctuation, lexical cohesion, compliance with style guides, consideration of the target audience and purpose, etc.


Greater confidence for prospective clients
Last modified on Martes 21 de Septiembre de 2021 12:01

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