Jueves 05 de Noviembre de 2015 10:42

ITI Bulletin: J.C. Gil interviews M. Farrell on IWS

A few months back, I interviewed Josep Condal from ApSIC on the new commercial version of Xbench for the ITI Bulletin, As a follow-up to that, I recently had the opportunity to exchange some words with Michael Farrell, the translator behind IntelliWebSearch. We talked about the origins of his beloved tool and the innovative features of the new version 5.

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The Bulletin is ITI's award-winning bimonthly magazine. With a circulation of 3000 and readership of more than three times that, the ITI Bulletin is a well-known and respected voice in the translation and interpreting industry. It contains a range of articles by a mixture of ITI members, respected authors and industry luminaries, on topics ranging from literary translation to the latest technology.


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